Amazon Hits 100% Renewable Energy Goal

Amazon has announced that it has achieved its goal to power its global operations with 100% renewable energy, hitting the milestone in 2023, 7 years ahead of its initial target.

Amazon first announced its clean energy goal in 2019, pledging to match all of the electricity consumed across its global operations, including data centers, corporate buildings, stores and fulfillment centers, with 100% renewable energy by 2030. At the time, the company was at 42% renewable energy.

Since launching the goal, the company has committed billions of dollars to clean energy development, and has become the largest corporate purchaser of renewable energy globally for the past four years, according to Bloomberg NEF.

Overall, Amazon has invested in more than 500 renewables projects globally, including over 240 solar and wind farms, 10 battery storage projects, 6 offshore wind projects, and nearly 300 onsite solar arrays.

Amazon added that its renewable energy portfolio will help avoid an estimated 27.8 million tons of carbon emissions annually, once all projects are operational.