
ESG Network Zimbabwe

Who is ESG Network Zimbabwe

ESG Network Zimbabwe (ESGNZ) is a Zimbabwean Entity operating as the national network for ESG and Sustainability. It was formed in December 2016 with the vision to have “a responsible business community that makes Zimbabwe a better place to live for all”. Its mandate is to have Environment, Social & Governance (ESG) incorporated in the corporate agenda and contribute towards sustainable socio-economic development in Zimbabwe.

The ESGNZ provides a platform for networking and cooperation, supports capacity-building and training activities, helps catalyse collective action on key issues, and provides a link with regional and international bodies in supporting the advancement of ESG matters in Zimbabwe and Africa at large. It is a fully registered business association according the laws of Zimbabwe.


Mission & Vision

Our Mission

We are a compassionate, professional and transparent organisation which collaborates with communities to transform and empower them through sustainable projects.

Our Vision

To achieve Sustainable ESG Integrity in Zimbabwe.

Our Core Values


Our Services

Create value for your business and society through strategic community investment.
ESG Network Zimbabwe can provide you with specific community investment advisory in the following areas:

ESG Awareness Training

ESG Internal Audits to prepare companies to be ready for ESG Assurance

ESG projects formulation, and implementation guidance

ESG Projects Evaluation and measurement

Corporate Sustainability Training

Sustainability assessments and report preparation services

Capacity building by exchanging best practice, tools and ideas with other partners of the network

Corporate sustainability report assurance services (conducted through our certified assurance team)


Our Advisory Board

Lucy Marowa

Board Chairperson

Wellington Mapedzamombe

Board Vice Chairperson

Patricia Murambinda

Board Vice Chairperson

Stephen Chikozho

Board Member

Emmah N Mungoni

Board Member

Remigio Nenzou

Board Member

Willard Razawo

Executive Director

Technical Advisors

Andrew Matiza
Certified Sustainability Practitioner
Fidelia Gandiya
Certified Sustainability Practitioner
Simbarashe Mafukidze
Certified Sustainability Practitioner
Kuziva Murapa
Certified Sustainability Practitioner

Some of

Our Members

Become a member

To become a member please download and fill in the membership form below.


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