Category News

International Womens Day Message 2021

As we celebrate IWD 2021, I chose to challenge gender stereotypes in the workplace by advocating for inclusive work spaces that enable women to achieve the work and family balance so that they thrive. Often women get overlooked in promotions…

CSRNZ challenges the corporate world to invest more in CSR

The Corporate Social Responsibility Network Zimbabwe has challenged the corporate work to put more resources towards Corporate Social Responsibility in order for the country to achieve vision 2030 of attaining the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals. “Let us be…

Zimbabwe Joins the world to Commemorate World CSR Day

The CSR Network Zimbabwe will lead the nation join the World to Commemorate World CSR Day on February 18. On the day Zimbabwe will join over 90 countries across the globe in commemorating the World CSR Day. In this regard…

Public Challenged to MASK UP PROPERLY

HARARE – The CSR Network Zimbabwe, a body which promotes corporate social responsibility, facilitates and support responsible business conduct in Zimbabwe is challenging the public to mask up properly to reduce the spread and to avoid contracting the deadly COVID…

CSR Network Zimbabwe Appoints new Board

The CSRNZ which turns 5 this year has appointment a new dynamic board led by National Blood services Zimbabwe CEO Lucy Marowa to spearhead its strategic vision which is aimed at focusing the country economic players towards achieving the desired…

Mask Up Zimbabwe Campaign-Call for Partnership

As the country grapples with Covid 19 pandemic fight, the CSR Network Zimbabwe members together with other stakeholder as part of 2021 World CSR Day Commemorations would like to take a lead role in supporting government efforts to curb the…

Events Calendar 2021

– 18 FEBRUARYWorld CSR DayVirtual Commemoration 12 MARCHFrom Basic to Principles (Virtual Training Workshop)Virtual Training APRILProvincial CSR and Environment Workshops(Breakfast Meetings) Provincial Venues to be shared 22 – 24 APRILCSR AUTUMN SCHOOLTroutbeck Resort Nyanga MAYCSR Network Zimbabwe 5th Anniversary CelebrationCharity…

Let Us Be Resolute and Work for The Common Good

Message for the Executive Director-Willard Razawo Fellow Zimbabweans, I hope I find you well in the midst of this COVID-19 Pandemic which is wreaking untold panic and havoc in our communities. As we kick off the new year in a…

COVID-19 Forces CSR Zim Network to Innovate

This year, we will develop for our members a series of exclusive programs and initiatives that are set to encourage learning and sharing best practices as well as forging collaborations and partnerships in respect of achieving specific sustainability challenges for…

CSR Zim welcomes new members

2020 is a year that many throughout the world would like to forget as fast as they can. The arrival of COVID-19 surprised the world as it ambushed us unaware. As we get into 2021 it looks like things are…

2021 Responsible Business & CSR Awards Entries Open

I am happy to announce that we have opened entries for the 2021 Responsible Business & CSR Awards Entries. The idea is we want to work with you throughout the year as you formulate, implement and evaluate your sustainability projects…