Top ZIMRA Executives get ESG training from ESG Network Zim

The ESG Network Zimbabwe which is a national sustainability business association mandated to empower businesses, government agencies, and other stakeholders to integrate sustainable practices, ethical governance and social responsibility into their operations and decision making has scaled up ESG awareness and training programs and services to enhance ESG integrity in Zimbabwe.

The network has since trained sustainability champions from Econet Wireless Zimbabwe and Zimbabwe Revenue Authority among some of the established organisations to get ESG and Sustainability focused trainings.

The Network’s Executive Director Mr Willard Razawo has also been involved in ESG awareness programs as speaker at several conferences notably at the Zimswitch Electronic Payments conference and the Corporate Governance and Procurement Conference hosted by the Procurement Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe and the Corporate Governance Unity recently.

During the course of the year 2024 the Network has also hosted several ESG focused workshops, masterclasses and conferences in a bid to capacitate companies and ESG practitioners to enhance their ESG understanding.

To top it all the Network recently Established and launched a Sustainability Leadership Academy its flagship academic institution to complement its scope of work.

ESG Network Zimbabwe which is the leading provider of ESG services in Zimbabwe has also introduced ESG Vision Pro, a cutting-edge software designed to revolutionise the way organisations can manage and report on their Environmental, Social and Governance Performance. ESG Vision Pro is a comprehensive platform that empowers businesses to track, analyse and disclose their ESG data with ease and efficiency.

The ESG Network Zimbabwe plays a vital role in promoting sustainable socio-economic development in Zimbabwe, aligning with the country’s national development agenda. Its primary mandate is to incorporate Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles into the corporate agenda, ensuring that businesses operate responsibly and contribute to the country’s growth ¹.

Zimbabwe’s National Development Strategy (NDS1) for 2021-2025 outlines the government’s vision for transformative economic growth, leveraging the country’s competitive advantages, and promoting good corporate governance. The ESG Network Zimbabwe supports this strategy by:

  • Promoting ESG best practices: Encouraging companies to adopt sustainable business models, report on their ESG performance, and improve their environmental and social impact.
  • Building capacity: Providing training, research, and advocacy to enhance stakeholders’ understanding of ESG principles and their importance in achieving national development goals.
  • Fostering collaboration: Bringing together government, private sector, civil society, and international organizations to advance ESG agenda and support Zimbabwe’s development.

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